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Support your incredible mind

with dedicated 1:1 ADHD services

Meet Tricia Salt

ADHD Coach, artist and advocate

Hello! This soggy creature is me, Tricia/Trish (I like either)


I was diagnosed ADHD in 2020 after a lifetime of missing homework, abandoning jobs and struggling with emotional and mental wellbeing. I was creative, intelligent and enthusiastic but somehow always falling short. Learning about ADHD was huge. So much began to make sense, but what was I supposed to do about it?


I trained as a coach to help other people to figure that out too. ADHD coaching not only helps us to identify our individual strengths and challenges, it also gives us a structure to find practical solutions to work with our unique, incredible minds.


Together we can...

Learn about how ADHD impacts

your life


Celebrate and make the most of your strengths

Boost your

problem-solving and motivation


Tackle overwhelm and big emotions

Add structure and tame the chaos!


Embrace your weird, creative, brilliant brain

Each session, guided by my needs, has organically produced solutions to the daily challenges I face, as well as addressing their underlying causes. Tricia is a warm, understanding, and patient coach, and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with her.

Tanya, SE Cornwall

Through working with Tricia, I was able to identify my priorities, and navigate the challenges directly ahead of me, including preparing for my PhD viva and getting a car. She helped me to understand what was getting in my way and together we developed strategies for overcoming procrastination, distraction and overwhelm.

Dr Armstrong (who now has a car), NE England

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